Monitoring and Impact Evaluation

Effective People Management


Defining your organisation’s impact


This training will enable participants to define and clearly articulate their impact. The course will strengthen your skills in results evaluation of your organisation, from programme design at inception, to impact assessment after completion of activities.

After this training, participants will be able to:

  • Articulate the problem your organisation is addressing
  • Create the Theory of Chain (or Results Chain) of their organisation
  • Define indicators of positive results their organisation is generating
  • Measure tangible positive results of the activities of their organisation


Directors or employees of non-profit organisations, such as Civil Society Organisations (CSOs), Foundations, Cooperatives, Associations, Charities, NGOs; founders or employees of social or mission-driven enterprises (“social enterprises”); project and programme managers, people in charge of donor reporting.


Professional with close to 20 years of experience in the private and non-profit sectors, Aurélie has solid expertise in managing and measuring the impact of international solidarity projects. 

Specifically, Aurélie was the Managing Director of KadAfrica, an NGO based in Uganda, where she designed and implemented strategy and coordinated the evaluation of various programmes aimed at empowering young women in rural areas. 

As a consultant, she has worked with several organisations to revise their overall approach to impact evaluation, donor reporting, define their theory of change and indicators, as well as developing data collection tools. 

She naturally became a trainer for impact accelerators and incubators, as well as directly with social entrepreneurs and non-profit organisations, and has delivered many online and in-person trainings on impact management and measurement over the past 5 years, in both English and French.  



Impact 101

  • Introduction to what impact is, and why measure it. Reflect on the intended and unintended impact of an organisation, the benefits of planning and measuring both.

Problem and vision

  • Define the problem your organisation intends to address by exploring root causes and articulate your vision (i.e. what does problem-solving look like).

Theory of Change as a tool

  • Understand what the different components of a Theory of Change are, why it’s useful, how to build one for your organisation, and how to use it to design programmes, and measure their impact

Impact indicators

  • Identify key impact measurement indicators for your organisation

Impact measurement plan

  • Design your data collection plan, understand the tools available to you, and how to build the right tools to collect the right data, and reflect on frequency, timing and ownership. Consider safeguarding during data collection.

Practical and Interactive

  • Practice your learning during the course with individual exercises on all the above, to be discussed with the group and the trainer.

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We have created this course customised also in other languages

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Hourly Schedule

2nd February 2026

15 - 18
Defining and Measuring Your Organisation’s Impact: Session 01
Aurélie Faugier

3rd February 2026

15 - 18
Defining and Measuring Your Organisation’s Impact: Session 02
Aurélie Faugier
Aurélie Faugier


Feb 02 - 03 2026


15:00 - 18:00


150.00 € Incl. VAT/IVA



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Stone Soup Consulting