Interview Delia

Inclusion is a balancing act between a feeling of belonging and appreciation for authenticity

We interview Delia Mensitieri, winner of the Stone Soup Award on Research in Social Innovation 2021, and learn about her winning research “Inclusion starts with I: Reducing identity threat to promote an inclusive environment and to improve performance, career aspirations, and satisfaction”.

Continue Reading Inclusion is a balancing act between a feeling of belonging and appreciation for authenticity

Amy Elting Unsplahs

Reducing identity threat to promote an inclusive environment

The academic research “Inclusion starts with I: Reducing identity threat to promote an inclusive environment and to improve performance, career aspirations, and satisfaction” by Delia Mensitieri, wins the Stone Soup Award on Research in Social Innovation 2021.

Continue Reading Reducing identity threat to promote an inclusive environment

Enfoques narrativos que impulsan la sostenibilidad económica

Enfoques narrativos que impulsan la sostenibilidad económica

Why diverse workplaces are better Entrevista a Javier Aguirre de Cárcer Erasun Director de comunicación de Generali (España) 25 de noviembre  2021 Durante el año 2021, el equipo de Stone Soup Consulting acompañó a “The Human Safety Net” España (THSN España), la… Continue Reading Enfoques narrativos que impulsan la sostenibilidad económica
Stone Soup Consulting