Stone Soup Consulting aboga por la filantropía basada en alianzas multiactor, centrada en los grandes problemas globales y siempre orientada para el impacto social.

Fundraising & communication
Communicating social change: no truth, no trust
Communicating social change takes courage. We must find the answers to tough questions and be ready to share them publicly in a comprehensive way.
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Enfoques narrativos que impulsan la sostenibilidad económica
Why diverse workplaces are better Entrevista a Javier Aguirre de Cárcer Erasun Director de comunicación de Generali (España) 25 de noviembre 2021 Durante el año 2021, el equipo de Stone Soup Consulting acompañó a “The Human Safety Net” España (THSN España), la… Continue Reading Enfoques narrativos que impulsan la sostenibilidad económica
Communication in times of pandemic: social organisations pull their socks up
The pandemic and social distancing have arrived with a bang in the Asilo de Luarca hospital in Asturias.
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The Superform, the tool that will boost your funding applications
What will make your funding application a success? What are the key ingredients that will gain your initiative access to a new donor? …
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“Measuring our social impact has led to a new fundraising strategy”, Lorena Crusellas from Prevenir Association
15th March 2017. Lorena Crusellas, Programme Coordinator for the Prevenir Association, started to measure the impact of their work in 2011. …