Diversity as a forbidden word 12 of February 2025by Cláudia Pedra,Managing Partner, Stone Soup Consulting As the extremists of the world rally against diversity and mark it as a forbidden word, it is important to analyse why it brings them… Continue Reading Diversity as a forbidden word

Our mission
New Shoots of Social Innovation in Communication
From Constructive Journalism to fact-checking and the mental health of journalists: the changing information system.
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Empatia genuína
Num mundo em que grassa a desinformação, os boatos, as múltiplas conjeturas, é muito fácil esquecer-nos de que existem direitos humanos universais e de que os seres humanos “devem agir em relação uns aos outros com espírito de fraternidade”.
Seeing the unimaginable
In this insightful interview, Dr. Denis Mukwege, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018, addresses the harrowing issue of rape used as a weapon of war.
La filantropía y el amor al género humano
Stone Soup Consulting aboga por la filantropía basada en alianzas multiactor, centrada en los grandes problemas globales y siempre orientada para el impacto social.
The Power of Brand Storytelling:
Storytelling is as ancient in human culture as humanity itself. It started much before humanity invented language and writing.