Allies - Stone Soup Consulting


Our primary goal is to strengthen the social impact of initiatives and organisations. We believe that more value can be generated by social initiatives if corporate management is applied with the right experience and efficiency. Also, if successful social solutions are scaled up to benefit a larger number of people.

However, we cannot do this alone. We are committed to working with other actors of society that will help us not only to improve our work, but also strengthen together the world’s societal ecosystem.


Social Value International

Social Value International is a global network that focuses on social impact and social value. Its members share a common goal: to change the way society accounts for value. 

This pioneering community contains members from 45 countries, drawn from a huge range of different sectors and disciplines. It is much more than a professional network, it is building a movement for change.


Stone Soup is a co-founder of Esimpact, Spanish association that promotes social impact measurement and management in the country.


Member of Social Value International, Esimpact is composed by social companies, banks, academia, foundations and individual experts. Its goal is to strengthen the social impact ecosystem in Spain through activities related to research, networking, and advocacy.

APPDI – Associação Portuguesa para a Diversidade e Inclusão

Stone Soup Consulting has signed the Portuguese Diversity Charter and is a member of the board of APPDI, composed by multiple signing organisations.

The signatory organisations of this Charter commit to diversity as an ethical imperative. It is a basic principle guiding all their activities, both internally and externally, as part of their core values and institutional identity. 

Strategic Alliances

Aga Khan Foundation

The Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) is an agency of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN), which brings together a group of institutions that contribute to improving the conditions and quality of life of disadvantaged populations, in specific regions of the world, regardless of of their origin, gender or religion

AKF Portugal’s objective is to improve the quality of life of people in the most vulnerable situations, throughout their life cycle, supporting the development of a plural society that benefits everyone. This encompasses equal access to opportunities, valuing cultural diversity, strengthening systems and institutions, and leveraging culturally sensitive environments.


Plataforma GEOfundos is the first free funding platform that aggregates national and international funding of all types in Portuguese. Stone Soup is one of the nine organisations involved in the creation and management of this major collaborative and innovative project. 

K Social

With 20 years of experience in the third sector, KSocial consulting and training team empower social organisations with sustainable processes and innovative projects. 

SRS Avogados

SRS Advogados is a multi-practice law firm experienced in advising corporate groups and financial institutions. Since 2008, Stone Soup works with SRS in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility. SRS also provides pro-bono advice to our clients.

Portal VER

VER is an online platform that provides information to the Portuguese speaking business community. Their primary focus is on corporate values, ethics and responsibility. 

Turnaround Social

Turnaround Social is a consulting company specialised in social economy operations and strategy. A Stone Soup partner since 2014, Turnaround designs solutions to help solve social problems and co-create projects with greater impact.


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