La desigualdad aumenta la vulnerabilidad de las comunidades ante los efectos del cambio climático, porque reduce su capacidad para hacerles frente.

Stone Soup (page 8)
Exploring Three-Way Partnerships for Organisational Development with MAVA Foundation
Together with MAVA Foundation we dive in the learning process on how we are making organisations more robust and sustainable
Values are more than good intentions
Stone Soup presents its Honesty Report 2019-2020. It takes into account a two-year period and aims at verifying if and how Stone Soup’s Theory of change is valid, as well as what have been the main impacts during this period on our stakeholders. We ask ourselves: does being a social consultancy make any difference?
Biovilla, a gift for the Stone Soup community
Biovilla has been a gift to me, an island in the middle of a busy life. I returned home with a clearer mind, full of new energy and very proud of being part of a community that cares for all its members.
Continue Reading Biovilla, a gift for the Stone Soup community
Capitaliser les projets de coopération pour améliorer la prise de décisions
La capitalisation d’expérience de projets de coopération sur la promotion du volontariat comme outil de consolidation des projets et des organisations. Le cas du projet EnLAzando de France Volontaires en Amérique Latine
Continue Reading Capitaliser les projets de coopération pour améliorer la prise de décisions
Creating togetherness: the importance of human relations in remote teams
The Stone Soup community meets for a two-day retreat in Biovilla to connect and find its togetherness, to let human relationships soar in a natural way.
Continue Reading Creating togetherness: the importance of human relations in remote teams