As a responsible company, we cannot celebrate Mother Earth without reflecting on all we still have to do. How can we improve our business model and reduce our environmental impact further?

Our mission (page 3)
Webinar I Collective intelligence for community well-being
OPEN WEBINAR / Collective intelligence for community well-being. The case of a watershed ecosystem. Register Stone Soup presents the open and free webinar “Collective intelligence for community well-being. The case of a watershed ecosystem” with Paulo Sanjines Barreiro. Barreiro is… Continue Reading Webinar I Collective intelligence for community well-being
Collective intelligence for well-being in a tropical watershed ecosystem
We interview Paulo Barreiro, winner of the Stone Soup Award on Research in Social Innovation 2023
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An impact cascade
Can a consultancy company create an impact cascade? We theorised that it could. 14 years into that process and covering very two difficult years (2021, 2022), we now present Stone Soup Consulting’s newestHonesty Report, in which we explain if we did.
Webinar I Systems change: the time has come
Do we know how systems change, what elements are involved and – most importantly – are these changes really taking us to a better place?
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Assessing systems change: 5 learnings from Stone Soup’s work with clients
Articulating what systems change is, why it matters and most especially what it is achieving is essential for those engaged in it who must find a way to communicate learnings, successes and failures
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