A pobreza é uma situação alarmante, intolerável e uma grave ameaça aos direitos humanos fundamentais. Onde estivemos, onde estamos e onde queremos estar?
The art of adjusting: field work during a pandemic
The art of adjusting: field work during a pandemic By Ana Assunção, Cláudia Pedra and Patrice Santos Stone Soup Consultants I 18th of June 2021 What is the point of going to the field during a pandemic, when you are not a health worker at the… Continue Reading The art of adjusting: field work during a pandemic
El liderazgo regenerativo, brújula para el siglo XXI
¿Puede el liderazgo que defiende el status quo, ser un impulso positivo para construir un mundo mejor para todos hoy y para las nuevas generaciones?
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Diversidade e não discriminação
No dia 21 de março foi o Dia Internacional contra a Discriminação Racial. Mas será que em 2021 faz sentido haver um dia Internacional deste tipo?
Tackling youth unemployment in Spain and Portugal through Social Art
On January 15th 2021, the Spanish pilot project kicked off in Barcelona named “Build yourself’ or Construeix-te, launched the pilot theatre project ArtE Program – the Arte of Employability – in Spain.
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“Impulso, Prato and Fredericks” three magnificent theatre premieres
In spite of the current context and the recent months challenging circumstances, THE SHOW MUST GO ON!
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