An overview of the seven year partnership project with the European Investment Bank Institute by Sophie Robin, co-founding partner, …
Continue Reading European Investment Bank Institute – a long and mutually enriching relationship
Schools might get great academic results, but are they producing socially responsible young people who might make a positive difference to their communities?
Continue Reading Beyond good grades: Evaluating kids’ compassion in Catalonia
How did a socially-driven international organisation like Stone Soup Consulting gain consensus on their moral principles and create clear guidelines on their community behaviour?
Continue Reading A community agreeing their guiding principles: Stone Soup code of ethics
Les entreprises sociales en Europe font de plus en plus parler d’elles. Si le secteur est effectivement en pleine ébullition, il reste difficile de mesurer son développement car la définition d’une entreprise sociale varie selon les pays.
Continue Reading L’entreprise sociale : utopie solitaire ou futur de l’entreprise?
¿Puede hablarnos de la Responsabilidad Social de Stone Soup, de cómo ha evolucionado estos años hasta la actualidad y cuáles son actualmente sus principales áreas estratégicas?
Continue Reading “Nuestro objetivo prioritario es fortalecer el impacto social de las organizaciones”
3S: Manage for Impact Conference, organised by TIIME and Stone Soup Consulting, unites the European social sector on the road for impact management October 1st, 2018.
Continue Reading 3S Conference: Building bridges to manage for impact