In this insightful interview, Dr. Denis Mukwege, awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2018, addresses the harrowing issue of rape used as a weapon of war.

social mission
La filantropía y el amor al género humano
Stone Soup Consulting aboga por la filantropía basada en alianzas multiactor, centrada en los grandes problemas globales y siempre orientada para el impacto social.
The Power of Brand Storytelling:
Storytelling is as ancient in human culture as humanity itself. It started much before humanity invented language and writing.
Webinar I Collective intelligence for community well-being
OPEN WEBINAR / Collective intelligence for community well-being. The case of a watershed ecosystem. Register Stone Soup presents the open and free webinar “Collective intelligence for community well-being. The case of a watershed ecosystem” with Paulo Sanjines Barreiro. Barreiro is… Continue Reading Webinar I Collective intelligence for community well-being
Webinar I Systems change: the time has come
Do we know how systems change, what elements are involved and – most importantly – are these changes really taking us to a better place?
Continue Reading Webinar I Systems change: the time has come
La reducción de la desigualdad es clave para afrontar las crisis climática y social
La desigualdad aumenta la vulnerabilidad de las comunidades ante los efectos del cambio climático, porque reduce su capacidad para hacerles frente.