We have an additional responsibility to step up to the plate, to know how to be respectful, to use methodologies that work, dynamics that engage people and to create positive impact through our work.
Our mission (page 5)
Recipes for Impact 2023
We launch the second edition of our Recipes for Impact pro bono programme. This year, 15 Stone Soup consultants will support small organisations and social businesses that have a specific focus on defending and promoting human rights in the world.
Public Equity: A new frontier in impact investing
Public equity markets still had in 2020 a 100 times larger capitalization than impact investing, meaning investing in companies that are not just profitable but also driven by environmental, sustainable and social impact.
Continue Reading Public Equity: A new frontier in impact investing
La reducción de la desigualdad es clave para afrontar las crisis climática y social
La desigualdad aumenta la vulnerabilidad de las comunidades ante los efectos del cambio climático, porque reduce su capacidad para hacerles frente.
La réduction des inégalités est essentielle pour lutter contre les crises climatiques et sociales
Les inégalités accroissent la vulnérabilité des communautés face au changement climatique car elles réduisent leur capacité à y faire face
Exploring Three-Way Partnerships for Organisational Development with MAVA Foundation
Together with MAVA Foundation we dive in the learning process on how we are making organisations more robust and sustainable