5 hábitos dos parceiros com impacto
Stone Soup (page 11)
Stone Soup will be carbon neutral by 2030
December 11th 2019. Today Stone Soup has taken an important step. We have committed to be carbon neutral by 2030, 20 years ahead of the Paris Agreement! …
“This research helps enlighten what responsible behaviour is, what it can be throughout the school years and how to promote it”
Nuno Archer wins the Stone Soup Award 2019 with the research “Psychosocial development and student engagement in school:
Ensuring every dog has his day! Project with Guide Dog School for the Blind (ABAADV)
Stone Soup Consulting was commissioned to partner with ABAADV, an association in Portugal providing Guide Dog’s for the Blind.
European Investment Bank Institute – a long and mutually enriching relationship
An overview of the seven year partnership project with the European Investment Bank Institute by Sophie Robin, co-founding partner, …
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Beyond good grades: Evaluating kids’ compassion in Catalonia
Schools might get great academic results, but are they producing socially responsible young people who might make a positive difference to their communities?
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